Wieder, Gansch & Paul 
Coincidence writes the beautiful stories. Albert Wieder, Thomas Gansch and Leonhard Paul started at some point, Playing an encore at the end of each Mnozil Brass Show. On every tour a new one.
Into the blue, very spontaneous, not rehearsed, standing on stage and doing, what music is about – communicating
That’s how, during the last years, a whole concert program developed.
With songs from all corners of their three universes.
George Michael, Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel, Chuck Mangione, Johann Strauß, Toots Thielemans, Franz Schubert, Thomas Gansch, and so on.
Bass, melody and harmony.
You could say „Earth, Wind and Fire” – but that is already taken.
So let’s call it „Wieder, Gansch & Paul“